Is this ministry or misery? Where did we get these ministry models from? Models of pastors cursing their members for not paying tithes at all, in time, or for not paying enough. Church leaders cursing members for leaving “their” churches even when they have justified reasons for doing so, or for being too critical of them. Where did we get this Papa and Mama ministry models  from? Christianity of class and protocol! Christianity of packaging and endless introduction of the man of God.

A Christianity where the man of God is bigger than the God of the man. How dare you as church members walk-by mama and not collect her bag and baggages? Their protocols will deal with you. Protocols who are meagrely paid, unpaid, or brainwashed into becoming fancy guards who shield papa and mama from their very own members. Who are these protocols? They are a group of young “progressives” whose parents have laboured through thick and thin to train them through the universities but who have ignorantly traded their own future for opening Papa’s and mama’s car doors in the name of ministry.

These young people carry-out their tasks at the expense of their very own lives and dignity. Yet, Papa and mama are unperturbed. They are comfortable seeing these young people waste away around them. Most of these Papas and Mamas have no serious development plans for these “boys” order than to keep using them as spiritual godogodos and spies. We have seen so many of these “boys of God” become miserable, hopeless, and frustrated after most of the “goodness” in them had been sucked by their “bosses” in the Lord.

Where did we get these models from? Models of “shepherds” so close and yet so far away from the sheep. Many of their members cannot come anywhere close to them. Many of their followers do not even know their homes and they dare not attempt to locate them without the permission of the “big men.” These “dodgy” or “rockstar” pastors do not give a damn about what happens or becomes of their flocks as long as they bring in their “seeds.”

Certainly, I do not have answers to most the questions raised in this piece. But the one thing I am sure of is that these models are definitely not after our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was extremely accessible, humble and simple life. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples; was always found among his disciples; and dined with lowest of the low in the society. He mourned with those who mourned and rejoiced with those who rejoiced. He even allowed children to access him. Jesus loved every human being that came his way. Is Jesus Christ no more our model for living and ministry standard?

18 thoughts on “MINISTRY OR MISERY? (Part Two)

  1. These models are exemplified by devil, whom is described in the Holy Bible as the father of lies, and he specializes in wasting people’s (his captives) life and destiny.
    The kind of church leadership on the fore in our generation has drifted from being Christo-centric to egoistic model of leadership, another attribute of the devil.


  2. Hmmmm..this are the challenges we’re facing in this 21st century,thank you for being an eye opener for us sir…may God continue to give you more insight amen..


  3. The GO or Father in the Lord are using diabolic means to get members and once in the trap very very difficult to get out. Going out will result in curses. Thank God for this type of lectures from God fearing Ministers of True Genuinely called. May God increase the Anointing. Amen


  4. This is a deep thought and unravel misery indeed.

    We thank God for your life sir. God bless your ministry and increase your wisdom for keeping us awake on the end time event


  5. This is so deep sir, the Bible says we Shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. And that is why many people are like slaves to this kind of pastors.
    May God continue to bless and increase his anointing upon you in Jesus mighty name.


  6. Greater grace sir.
    Equally, it’s unfortunate that the drastic deviation from Christo-centric pattern of ministry is now becoming a normal route where lopsided, lazy and hubris “pastors/ministers” continue to embrace as the fastest way to boom even when it’s very obvious that they are disappointing God, they continue to leverage on the manifestation of the Gifts of the spirit and “anointing ” as many would call it to coverup for their mendacious ministerial system.
    In my very own thinking, one of the reasons many are victim of the misery that they called ministry is because they’ve been indoctrinated to prioritize their belly above God by living a “Papa-dependency life” in a confusing way.

    Thank you sir!


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