About Me

I am Babatomiwa Moses Owojaiye. I serve with the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) as the Senior Pastor of First ECWA, Ilorin, Nigeria; and as a teaching and research fellow of the Centre for Research and Innovation of ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria. I am the CEO of The Centre for Biblical Christianity in Africa, an initiative established to contribute to the deepening of the roots of biblical Christianity in Africa and to the widening of the transformative impact of the Christian message in the public sphere. I hold a PhD in World Christianity from Africa International University in partnership with the University of Edinburgh. I am married to Oluseyi and the union is blessed with children.

19 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Dear Brother, thanks for the excellent In Memoriam on our brother and friend, Dr unboh Adeyemo. He has served in Europe many times and inspired the church here. I have been privileged to work with him and to relate to him in frienship since 1983, and he has impacted our life immensely. You have stated it right: he was a giant. Not only for Africa, but also for de worldwide chirch, the family of evangelical christians.
    God bless, Otto


    1. Thanks for this kind words.Please keep his family and the Church of Christ
      worldwide (like you mentioned) in your prayers.


  2. I have read your article about ‘pleading the blood of Jesus’. Thanks for bringing up that issue. I look forward to hear more in your subsequent blogs. Be blessed.
    Saul Mulama


  3. I googled the term ” Pleading the blood ” and came across your blog.

    Your articles on ” pleading the blood ” have been very informative because I have been wondering about this term lately as I have heard christians use it in their prayers.

    I believe a christian is continually cleansed by the blood of Christ when they believed on the Lord Jesus. They don’t need to plead the blood because they are already protected since they are in Christ.

    Bye for now

    Your brother in Christ


    1. Thanks so very much for your encouraging comment my brother. I hope this post blesses people and teach the sound biblical position on the subject.


  4. Thank God for you sir.. You are indeed a blessing to this generation.. We are inspired by your teachings and message.. Its my prayer that God will perfect everyth that concerns you in Jesus name.. Your joy will have no end and members of your family also are secured .. More blessing..


    1. Thanks so very much Dr. Paul for your kind words of encouragement. I believe it my call to tell the truth of the Word of God irrespective of what people might think. I’ll be glad to have you link with what God is doing here. How specifically do you mean?


  5. You are a bkessing to the youth of this generation,continue inthe work of God the reward is there waiting 4 you.YOU ARE BLESSED


  6. This is really nice, more grace to do greater exploits in Jesus name!
    I ‘ve always known you were going places…..
    God bless you richly!


  7. MOG, I enjoyed going through your blog. may I say, “The blog is full of brilliant ideas” that can benefit the world and Africa. Keep up the spirit as you become one of those writing in Africa.


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